
Past Events

The Mission Movie Night

Movie Night January 12, 2024

Join Juventutem NYC for a winter movie night!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Mass & Movie Screening Location

Church of Holy Innocents

128 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018

No RSVP required.

See movie trailer HERE!

This classic film is about the captivating experience of Father Gabriel, a Spanish Jesuit missionary, and his efforts at converting the Guarani people of South America. The Mission has been repeatedly praised for its cinematography since it was released. 

First Saturday Virtue Series

Cardinal Virtue Series Jan 6, 2024

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk on the virtue of justice by Fr. Leo Camurati.

RSVP here. The Mass is open to all. RSVP is just to help with planning social.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Mass & Talk Location

Most Holy Redeemer Church

173 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Bar Social Location

Boulton & Watt

5 Avenue A,

New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!

First Saturday Virtue Series

Cardinal Virtue Series Dec 2, 2023

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk on the virtue of temperance by Fr. William Elder.

RSVP here. The Mass is open to all. RSVP is just to help with planning social.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Mass & Talk Location

Most Holy Redeemer Church

173 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Bar Social Location

Boulton & Watt

5 Avenue A,

New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!

First Saturday Virtue Series

Cardinal Virtue Series Nov 4, 2023

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk on the virtue of temperance by Fr. Sean Connolly, parish pastor at Most Holy Redeemer Parish.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Mass & Talk Location

Most Holy Redeemer Church

173 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Bar Social Location

Boulton & Watt

5 Avenue A,

New York, NY 10009

Speaker Bio

Fr. Sean Connolly is pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Parish in New York City, and has held this post since August 2021. He has served as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of New York since his ordination in 2015.

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!

Christus Rex Sunday Hike

Christus Rex Sunday Hike, Oct 29, 2023

Join Juventutem NYC for a 5.5 mile hike in celebration of the Feast of Christ the King, Christus Rex!

Sunday October 29, 2023

*Some folks will stay in Beacon longer for dinner and catch the 7:09pm train with 8:55pm NYC arrival

RSVP here to join us! You can purchase your own MetroNorth ticket on the MTA TrainTime App.

Sunday Mass Location

Church of the Holy Innocents

128 W 37th, New York, NY 10018

NYC Train Departure Location

Grand Central Terminal

89 E 42nd St. New York, NY 10017

Beacon Train Departure Location

Beacon Train Station

8 Long Dock Rd, Beacon, NY 12508

Essential things to bring

By RSVPing, I understand the legal and binding consequences of participating in this hike, including (a) releasing Juventutem NYC from all liability, (b) waiving my right to legal recourse, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in this hike, including injury on the trail or any other injuries.

First Saturday Virtue Series

Cardinal Virtue Series Oct 7, 2023

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk on the virtue of prudence by Rev. Fr. Alessandro da Luz, associate pastor at St Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre, NY.

Saturday October 7, 2023


Most Holy Redeemer Church

173 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Speaker Bio

Fr. Alessandro da Luz is an associate pastor of St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre, NY, and has been part of the cathedral's clergy since June 2019. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2015, and is originally from Suffolk County, Long Island.

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!

Introduction to the Latin Mass Talk

Introduction to the Latin Mass Talk & Social

The Traditional Latin Mass remains one of the most sacred aspects of the Roman Catholic Church's liturgical heritage. Come and learn more about this rite of the Holy Mass and deepen your knowledge.

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk by theologian and author Dr. Rafael Gonzalez.

Friday, September 22, 2023


Church of the Holy Innocents

128 W 37th, New York, NY 10018

Speaker Bio

Dr. Rafael Gonzalez is a theologian and author who teaches at Assumption College for Sisters and other institutions. Prior to becoming a theologian, he served in the U.S. Army, and as a missionary and teacher in Peru. Dr. Gonzalez lives in NJ with his wife and son.

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!

Festival of Lessons and Carols

Festival of Lessons and Carols

Advent is upon us! Let's contemplate the Four Last Things (Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell), and remain in watchful anticipation of Our Lord's coming at Christmas.

Join us on the 18th for an advent formation talk and concert at the parish of Most Holy Redeemer on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

2:30pm: Advent Formation Talk

4:00pm: Lessons & Carols

5:15pm: Social & Refreshments


Most Holy Redeemer Parish

173 East 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP here so we can know how many people to expect. Grazie, Danke et Merci!

Poor Souls Pilgrimage

Poor Souls Pilgrimage

November is the month of the poor souls in purgatory. The Church offers a plenary indulgence to the faithful who visit a cemetery or burial crypt to pray for the dead between November 1st and November 8th.

Join us for an NYC pilgrimage to the parish of Most Holy Redeemer on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where 85 Redemptorist priests and brothers are buried on church grounds.

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

12:00pm: Traditional Latin Mass (Sung)

1:15pm: Rosary & Fatima Devotions

2:00pm: Prayers for the Dead in Burial Crypt

3:00pm: Social Gathering

4:15pm: Holy Hour & Confessions

Pilgrimage Site

Most Holy Redeemer Parish

173 East 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP here by November 3rd so we can plan for the post-pilgrimage social. 

Lastly, kindly consider donating $5-$10 to help us defray costs. 

"The Souls in Purgatory need help so desperately, since they cannot help themselves" - St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor Zelantissimus

Juventutem Hudson Valley Hike

Juventutem NYC Hudson Valley Hike on 9/17 *Social Event*

Hudson Valley Social Hike

Saturday, September 17th, 2022 - All Day

Join us on a social hike this September. Come make new social connections with other Latin Mass young people.

Do I have to RSVP?

What should I bring with me?

When would we catch the Metro North?

Priestly Ordinations Pilgrimage

Ordinations Mass at the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY 

Join us for a local-area pilgrimage to attend ordinations to the sacred priesthood for the Diocese of Rockville Center, NY.

Date: Saturday, June 18th, 2022

9:30pm: Meet at Penn Station LIRR 

11:00am: Novus Ordo Ordination Mass

Pilgrimage Site

St Agnes Cathedral of Rockville Centre

29 Quealy Pl, Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Please RSVP here so we can plan for the pilgrimage, Mass, and post-pilgrimage social.

Pilgrimage in Honor of Our Lady

Marian Pilgrimage in Manhattan

The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Our Lady, and Juventutem NYC invites you to join local young adults from across the New York area for a local Marian walking pilgrimage and Traditional Latin Mass.

Date: Saturday, May 14th, 2022

3:00pm: Meet at Ilka Tanya Payán Park

5:00pm: Traditional Latin Mass

Pilgrimage Site

Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

701 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10040

Please RSVP here so we can plan for the pilgrimage, Mass, and post-pilgrimage social.

Young Adult Day of Recollection

Young Adult Day of Recollection

Join local young adults from across the New York area for a Lenten Day of Recollection.

Fr. Seán Connolly will celebrate a Traditional Latin Mass and offer a talk on "The Harrowing of Hell: Our Lord's Descent into the Netherworld on Holy Saturday."

The Church of the Most Holy Redeemer 

173 East 3rd Street, New York, NY 10009

Date: Saturday, April 9th, 2022

10:00am: Holy Mass (Tridentine)

11:00am: Talk by Fr. Seán Connolly

12:00pm: Light Lunch

1:00pm: Holy Hour

Please RSVP by March 31st by texting your name to 704-928-6280.

Lenten Formation Event

Ember Saturday Mass, Talk & Social

Join local young adults and the Juventutem team for a lenten formation and social event. 

Father James Miara will deliver a formation talk on the Lenten Season based on the writings of Dom Prosper Gueranger's voluminous work "The Liturgical Year."

Location:Church of the Holy Innocents

Address: 128 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018

Date: Saturday, March 12th, 2022

1:00pm: Holy Mass (Tridentine)

2:10pm: Formation Talk by Fr James Miara

3:15pm: Social Gathering

Please RSVP here so we can determine how much food and drink to plan for.

Free & open to all faithful between 18 and 40.

Silent Eucharistic Retreat

Silent Eucharistic Retreat - "How to Talk to God"

“God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer.” - Mother Teresa

Join other local young adults and Juventutem members for a Silent Eucharist Retreat led by Fr. Donald Kloster of the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT in early February. 

As Catholics we are highly encouraged by the Church to make at least one spiritual retreat per year. If you’ve never been on a retreat, this is a fantastic opportunity to make your first! What makes this retreat unique is that there will be an emphasis on silence and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Dates: Friday, February 4th - Sunday, February 6th, 2022

Arrival Time: 5:00pm (Friday)

Departure Time: 10:00am (Sunday)

Location: Seminary of the Immaculate Conception

440 West Neck Road, Huntington, New York 11743  

Holy Mass: To be offered in the Ancient Use of the Roman Rite

Spiritual Direction: Twenty-minute sessions with Father Kloster

Cost: $255 per person

*For the full itinerary, click here*

Stay tuned for more information or e-mail Juventutem NYC at with any questions.

Candlemas Men's Event

Candelmas Men's Mass and Volunteer Event

Men's parish volunteering event this Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022.

Join us for Candlemas Solemn High Mass and stay to volunteer with other men who will be taking down the Christmas decor. We are looking for 20 men who are able to exert themselves physically, able to lift carry heavy objects up and down stairs, and are mostly injury-free.

Date: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022

6:00pm: Holy Mass (Tridentine)

After Mass: Christmas decor removal

After Decor Removal: Monastic Brew Social

Please RSVP here so we can allocate work duties and determine a headcount for the social. Please spread the word and invite other men to join.

Sacred Art Conference

Sacred Art Conference in Honor of St. Nicholas

"How lovely are Thy tabernacles!"

Date: Saturday, December 11th, 2021

Time: 1:00 PM (Mass Begins) - 5:30 PM

Location: Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan

128 W 37th Street (at Broadway) - Just a few blocks from Penn Station.

Holy Mass: Offered in the Ancient Use of the Roman Rite.

Conference: To begin after Holy Mass on the Lower Level (Parish Hall), attendees will be asked to check in at the door. The Conference will feature a series of edifying talks by three Catholic scholars.


Seven Italian Baroque paintings of the Miracles of St. Nicholas will be exhibited for private devotion.

Advent Social: The afternoon will round off with a young adult social with refreshments.

Poor Souls Pilgrimage

November is the month of the poor souls in purgatory. On Saturday, November 13th, 2021, Juventutem NYC hosted a pilgrimage from Holy Innocents to the Basilica of Old St. Patrick's Cathedral. We arranged an exclusive visit to the historic cemetery and catacombs.

We met for the 1:00pm Holy Mass at Holy Innocents. Afterwards, we took public transit to the Basilica. In the church, cemetery and catacombs, we recited the Most Holy Rosary and traditional prayers for the repose of the faithful departed. Afterwards we had a social at a local pastry shop.  

In late October 2021, the Holy See / Apostolic Penitentiary extended for the entire month of November 2021 the allowance of the faithful to gain a plenary indulgence for the souls in purgatory by visiting a cemetery and praying for those that died. The normal conditions for obtaining a plenary indulgence apply. 

"The Souls in Purgatory need help so desperately, since they cannot help themselves" 

- St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor Zelantissimus

40 Hours Devotion

Overnight Eucharistic Adoration

Join us for overnight adoration as part of the 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion at the Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents. 

Members from Juventutem NYC will cover the hours from Saturday evening at 8:00pm through Sunday morning at 6:00am.

Snacks, coffee, and water will be available in the basement, and bathrooms will be accessible through the night.

The 40 Hours Devotion, attributed to Sts. Philip Neri and Ignatius of Loyola, remembers that 40-hour period from Our Lord’s burial until the Resurrection. 

Three special dimensions have also surrounded this devotion: 

40 Hours Devotion Full Schedule

Friday, October 29 

6:00pm - High Mass of Exposition (Latin Tridentine) 

Followed by Procession and Opening Ceremonies 

9:00pm - The church doors will be locked and only those who have signed up with the parish may keep vigil before Our Lord through the night.

Saturday, October 30 

6:00am - Church doors will re-open

12:00pm - Mass at Side Altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (English)

1:00pm - Missa pro pace (High Mass for Peace, Latin Tridentine) 

4:00pm - Reposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Sunday Vigil Mass (English) 

8:00pm - Juventutem NYC arrival for overnight Adoration

9:00pm - The church doors will be closed and locked and only those who have signed up with the parish or RSVPed with Juventutem may keep vigil before Our Lord overnight


Sunday, October 31 – Traditional Feast of Christ the King 

6:00am - Church doors will re-open 

9:00am - Mass at Altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Low Latin Tridentine) 

10:30 a.m - High Mass of Deposition (Latin Tridentine)

Followed by Closing Ceremonies of the 40 Hours, with Procession & Benediction

In case of any questions, email

Pontifical High Mass in Lancaster, PA


Join us on a faith-filled bus trip to Lancaster, PA to attend Pontifical High Mass offered by His Excellency, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Sta. Maria SSma. in Astana, Kazakhstan on October 10th 2021. A social with young adults from across the region will follow Holy Mass.

Registrations are due at noon on October 9th. Register early as seats on the bus are limited!


Pontifical High Mass in Lancaster, PA

Sunday, October 10th, 2021 - All day

The coach bus will depart at ~8:45am and return ~8:00pm to the Shrine and Parish of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan. 128 W. 37th Street, New York City. The Pontifical High Mass will be offered at 1:00pm in St. Joseph Church, 440 St. Joseph Street, Lancaster, PA.

In case of any questions, email

Inaugural Juventutem NYC Pilgrimage 

Event Summary

By the grace of God, and under the patronage of Saints Christopher, Jacob, Anthony of Padua, Francis of Assisi, and Our Lady; 65 young pilgrims embarked on a spiritual adventure on Saturday, September 11th, 2021, on pilgrimage by foot to the Holy Mountain, Graymoor. In a particular way, pilgrims offered up all of their acts and prayers for priests.

Juventutem NYC chaplain, Fr. James L. P. Miara, administered the healing Sacrament of Penance to a large number of young adults, hearing confessions during the entire first leg of the prayerful Marian procession through the forest. 

The Holy Cross—our royal banner—and a statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried by pilgrims lead the group in prayerful procession. The 2.5 hour ascent to the Holy Mountain was filled with traditional hymns and powerful devotions sung and prayed loudly in unison in Latin and English - serving as a witness to our faith to many hikers and passersby. The cry of our soul was, ‘We want God!’ 

The pilgrimage culminated with the offering of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (TLM) at the outdoor Shrine of St. Anthony [Saturday of Our Lady] at the top of the Holy Mountain, Graymoor.

Pilgrims visited the various shrines, grottos and chapels—with the opportunity to pray before the miraculous statue of St. Anthony; the statue made with the death mask of St. Francis of Assisi (one of the only two in the world); the high altar that once stood at the spot where St. Francis received his stigmata on Mount Alverno; the tomb of Servant of God, Fr. Paul Wattson; among other holy sites.

Pilgrims then made a second 5-mile prayerful procession on a return journey to Manitou by foot, praying the Stations of the Cross, meditating on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, praying acts of reparation, litanies, aspirations, and loudly chanting glorious hymns in thanksgiving. 

Thanks be to God for his endless mercy and graces!

Further media coverage:

Pilgrimage Intentions

Ave Crux, spes unica! 

Hail the Cross, our only hope!

Juventutem NYC's inaugural Vexilla Regis walking pilgrimage to Graymoor Monastery will be dedicated to:

1. Petition for favors from Our Lady

Processing through the Appalachians with a statue of Our Lady of Fatima from Fatima, Portugal carried by young adult pilgrims, we will sing hymns to Our Lady in both Latin and English, meditate on the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, and pray many reparative devotions.

Our Lady told the children at Fatima in August 19, 1917, "pray much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell because there is no one to make sacrifices for them."

2. Adoration of the triumphant Holy Cross

Vexilla regis prodeunt! The Holy Cross is our royal banner that will lead us in pilgrimage. The devotions prayed during this pilgrimage will also prepare us for Holy Mother Church’s triumphant September 14th Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

3. Thanksgiving for the Ancient Liturgy 

Te Deum laudamus! In an interview with Juventutem NYC chapter co-ordinators years ago, His Excellency Bishop Athanasius Schneider described the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage in Rome as a great ‘Te Deum’! So too will this pilgrimage will be a great ‘Te Deum laudamus!’ from young adults to God in thanksgiving for the traditional liturgy of Holy Mother Church.

Register now to join us on this pilgrimage with Fr. Miara, the rest of the Juventutem NYC team, and like-minded young adults from the Tri-State area!


Vexilla regis prodeunt! Traditional young adult walking pilgrimage

Saturday, September 11th, 2021 - All day

Join us as a pilgrim on a 10-mile traditional walking pilgrimage and Marian procession through the Appalachian foothills. A Sung High Mass (Traditional Latin Mass) will be offered by our chaplain, Fr. James Miara, at the Shrine of St. Anthony at Graymoor - Mt. of the Atonement Monastery. 

There will be two meeting points for pilgrims:

1. Manhattan Meeting Point (travel by train): 8:15am

Grand Central Terminal - Main Concourse - Central Information Booth/Clock

89 E 42nd St

New York, NY

2. Manitou Meeting Point (for those arriving by car or other means): 10:00am

Manitou Station

1 Manitou Road

Garrison, NY

August 2021 - 'Adoro te devote' Talk

Event Summary

MANHATTAN - On August 28th, 2021, Juventutem NYC held the third part of a its lecture series on the Most Holy Eucharist entitled 'Adoro te devote', after the Eucharistic hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas. 

The afternoon began with Holy Mass in the Ancient Use of the Roman Rite in the Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents, offered by the Pastor, Rev. Fr. James L.P. Miara. During Holy Mass, sick and infirm parishioners received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Young adults paid witness to this powerful Sacrament. With recourse to Our Lady, Health of the Sick, young adults prayed for the healing of their own physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments as well as those of their families. Holy Mass was followed by a Eucharistic Procession keeping with the tradition at Lourdes; the site of the Apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette and a place of miraculous healing for pilgrims through the Holy Eucharist.

Following Holy Mass, Lourdes-style Eucharistic Procession and Benediction, the young adults gathered in the Parish Hall on the lower level. Father Miara presented his third talk on the Most Holy Eucharist and then fielded a variety of questions from young adults. The lecture was filmed and will be provided to Juventutem NYC members in the coming weeks.

Monica Clarke, Secretary of Juventutem International paid a visit to our local chapter. She gave a brief summary of the global mission of Juventutem as well as recent efforts by one of our sister chapters of Juventutem based in Philadelphia. We were thrilled to have her and other members of Juventutem Philadelphia visit!

The evening concluded with a great meal together - pasta salad, charcuterie, and prosecco

Approximately 60 young adults were in attendance.

Feast of the Assumption with Juventutem PHL, NYC & DC 

July 2021 - 'Adoro te devote' Talk

Event Summary

MANHATTAN - On July 28th, 2021, Juventutem NYC held the second part of a three-part lecture series on the Most Holy Eucharist entitled 'Adoro te devote', after the Eucharistic hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas. 

The afternoon began with High Mass in the Ancient Use of the Roman Rite in the Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents, offered by the Pastor, Rev. Fr. James L.P. Miara. Holy Mass was followed by the annual Saint Anne novena and candlelight Eucharistic procession.

Following Holy Mass, the young adults gathered in the Parish Hall on the lower level. Lauren kicked off the session with a warm welcome followed by an announcement by David conveying the International Bureau's solidarity with all global Juventutem chapters relating to the papal Motu Proprio dated July 16, 2021.

Father Miara began his discourse with words of encouragement for young adults who are nourished by the ancient liturgy. He suggested Juventutem NYC members read the statement (found here) made by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke regarding the aforementioned Motu Proprio. 

Father Miara presented the second part of his talk on the Most Holy Eucharist which provided many helpful guidelines for the worthy and dignified reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion. Father Miara reiterated the importance of fasting before receiving Holy Communion. The current norm regarding fasting before communion is Canon No. 919: One who is to receive the Most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception only of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion. Traditional periods of fasting spanned three hours before receiving Our Lord or even as of midnight. Father Miara exhorted the young adults to make very regular use of the Sacrament of Penance and to receive Holy Communion frequently. 

The lecture was filmed and will be provided to Juventutem NYC members at a later date. Following a robust round of questions and answers, John Paul appealed for everyone to re-double their efforts in active engagement in parochial life. The evening rounded off with several rounds of dinner and drinks! Thanks to Claire and Brendan for providing dessert! 

Approximately 70 young adults were in attendance.

June 2021 - 'Adoro te devote' Talk

Event Summary

MANHATTAN - On June 12, 2021, Juventutem NYC held its debut event and kicked off a three-part lecture series on the Most Holy Eucharist entitled 'Adoro te devote', after the Eucharistic hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas. 

The afternoon began with Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite on the Feast of St. John of Sahagun in the Shrine and Parish Church of the Holy Innocents, offered by the Pastor, Rev. Fr. James L.P. Miara. 

Following Holy Mass and a short period for private adoration and reflection, the young adults gathered in the Parish Hall on the lower level for a meet & greet as well as an informal registration of their contact details with the Juventutem NYC Team. 

After a brief introduction, Father Miara presented a talk on the Most Holy Eucharist. One of many practical spiritual suggestions provided was for the faithful to make it a habit of uniting themselves daily with the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in prayer. One method of such union, known as the "Mass Clock", was championed by Rev. Fr. Joseph F. Stedman (1898-1946), the Director of the Confraternity of the Precious Blood and the chaplain of the Monastery of the Precious Blood in Brooklyn. The "Clock" and accompanying prayer are found here.

The lecture was filmed and will be provided to Juventutem NYC members at a later date. Following a robust round of questions and answers, the Juventutem NYC team appealed for everyone to lend their time, talents, and/or treasures to support the new local chapter. The evening rounded off with several helpings of dinner, drinks and dessert.

Roughly 70 young adults were in attendance.

Poor Souls Pilgrimage

November is the month of the poor souls in purgatory. The Church offers a plenary indulgence to the faithful who visit a cemetery or burial crypt to pray for the dead between November 1st and November 8th.

Join us for an NYC pilgrimage to the parish of Most Holy Redeemer on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where 85 Redemptorist priests and brothers are buried on church grounds.

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

12:00pm: Traditional Latin Mass (Sung)

1:15pm: Rosary & Fatima Devotions

2:00pm: Prayers for the Dead in Burial Crypt

3:00pm: Social Gathering

4:15pm: Holy Hour & Confessions

Pilgrimage Site

Most Holy Redeemer Parish

173 East 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Please RSVP here by November 3rd so we can plan for the post-pilgrimage social. 

Lastly, kindly consider donating $5-$10 to help us defray costs. 

"The Souls in Purgatory need help so desperately, since they cannot help themselves" - St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor Zelantissimus

Introduction to the Latin Mass Talk

Cardinal Virtue Series Nov 4, 2023

Join Juventutem NYC for Traditional Latin Mass and a talk on the virtue of temperance by Fr. Sean Connolly, parish pastor at Most Holy Redeemer Parish.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Mass & Talk Location

Most Holy Redeemer Church

173 E 3rd St, New York, NY 10009

Bar Social Location

Boulton & Watt

5 Avenue A,

New York, NY 10009

Speaker Bio

Fr. Sean Connolly is pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Parish in New York City, and has held this post since August 2021. He has served as a parish priest in the Archdiocese of New York since his ordination in 2015.

Please RSVP here so the volunteer team organizing this event can plan accordingly for all who attend. Many thanks!